Android 11 Will Get Rid of 4GB Limit on Video Recordings

Android 11 Beta 1 is now available for testing, and it appears that the 4GB video recording limit will be eliminated with the final release of the software. This is a long-standing issue that needs to be addressed, and Android 11 should help to rectify it. ..

Android Police’s testers found that the new beta 1 of the Google Camera app still causes videos to split into 4GB files, even when using Open Camera. ..

Android 11 beta 1 still has some kinks that need to be worked out, specifically around the 4GB video recording limit. However, this is good news for Android users as it suggests that Google is finally getting rid of the 4GB video recording cap. ..

Android 11 Beta is now rolling out for Pixel devices, and here are some tips on how to enroll in the beta program. If you’re not already a user of Android 11 Beta, be sure to download the update and install it on your device. Once you’ve done that, be sure to check for updates to the beta program and apply them if necessary. Finally, be sure to keep an eye on our blog for more information on Android 11 Beta and other upcoming changes.

Google is working on a new feature for its Google Files app that will make it easier for users to keep their private files safe. The new feature, which is still in development, will allow users to create a “safe folder” in the app where they can store sensitive documents and photos. This safe folder will be encrypted, and Google will not be able to access it unless the user grants permission. ..