Windows 7 does not have any audio devices installed under the “Volume” tab in the Sound and Audio Devices applet. This is because Windows 7 does not have any audio devices installed at all. ..

Missing Drivers

We found a yellow exclamation point next to the Multimedia Audio Controller on our computer. This issue would have been easier to fix if the computer had a separate sound card installed and would have simply involved downloading and re-installing the latest driver for the sound card.

If the device is not listed, then it is not installed correctly.

If you have a sound card integrated into your motherboard, you will need to install the motherboard chipset drivers. Follow the link to install the chipset drivers for your motherboard manufacturer.

Windows Audio Service

If you’re getting the grayed out issue in Control Panel, but the driver seems to be installed fine in Device Manager, but the Windows Audio service is stopped, then your only other issue is probably related to the Windows Audio service. If, for any reason, the service is stopped, then you will have the above-mentioned problems. To fix the issue, we need to open the Services dialog.

In Windows XP or Windows Vista, open the Services control panel and then click on the name of the service you want to start. In Windows 7 or Windows 8, open the System Properties window and then click on the Services tab.

To start the service, you need to double-click on the service icon and then set the Startup Type to Automatic. ..

Computer speakers can be controlled in Control Panel. If you’re still having issues, please post a comment and we’ll try to help.