Add a Review on the Web

When your review is accepted, you’ll receive an email informing you that it will appear on the product page with the other customer reviews.

Add a Review in the Mobile App

To submit a review for the product, please click on the link below.

See Reviews on the Web

You can see a list of all your submitted reviews by clicking on the “Reviews” tab in the main menu. You can also view a review by selecting the product you reviewed from the list of products. ..

See Reviews in the Mobile App

You’ll see all of your submitted reviews. You can tap See Full Review or select the product to view its detail page. ..

If you left a positive review for a product, you may want to consider changing your mind. If you did the opposite, it’s possible that you changed your mind after reading the negative review. You can easily edit or delete your own reviews.

Edit or Delete a Review on the Web

Edit or Delete a Review in the Mobile App