More than 50 ways to green your business are known. If you have office space, take a walk around the premises looking for ways in which you could cut your utility bills; this is to say that electrical appliances need to be switched off at the plug, and the plumbing system should include a save-a-flash bag in each and every toilet cistern on your premises. Here are more ways to become more eco-friendly in your office.
How to make your business more environmentally friendly?
Environmentally-friendly business practices or go green ideas for companies
Make Room For Recycling
Compress every piece of waste cardboard and a sheet of waste paper into a hydraulic/cardboard press that squashes it into stackable bales, then be sure to remove and dispose of sensibly. Consider using Baling Wire Direct to help you keep all of your waste produced together in neat packages, and have them collected and recycled. In today’s day and age, there are many ways to become more environmentally friendly, so be sure to see your options. Recycling, although popular, is not popular enough. A study in 2017 found out that a whopping 91% of plastic is recycled, with the average household throwing away 13,000 separate pieces of paper every year.
Work With Other Likeminded Companies
Set the bar high and aim to reduce your energy consumption further and further as each year passes. Start by attempting to cut it by 10%, then 20%, then 30%, and continuing from there. Once you become more aware of the error of your old ways, you should feel focused to continue to try and make savings and conserve energy in more places. When receiving goods from other companies, request that they send items in returnable containers and that their packing material is made from recycled goods, and is recyclable too. Interact with companies and businesses that have the same agenda as you, and agree to be as kind to the earth as possible.
Don’t Overpackage
First things first, you shouldn’t be overpacking when sending products to customers and clients. This can cost you more money than it should, and you could end up with a bad reputation for such environmentally harmful tactics. Yes, you need to ensure that your goods arrive safely, but you should invest in other ways to protect the materials you transport and ship. Use reliable, responsible, and popular companies that can more or less guarantee your goods to arrive safely, and can assure you that they will be handled with the utmost care when in transit.
Use Less Plastics
Instead of packing your goods surrounded by plastics, like single-use plastic, use pieces of material that can be reused. Of course, this might mean that you’ll have to charge more to move your goods from one place to the next, but there’s a significant market prepared to pay higher prices for more engaged and environmentally conscious goods. Be careful of how you dispose of your material waste, and be sure to employ other responsible companies who make efforts to recycle and reuse. Let others know what you’re doing and post your efforts and plans for the future across social media. In other words, spread the cause, and spread the love.