If you try to create an animated GIF in this manner, you’ll notice that the Animation section is greyed out. In order to get that activated so you can choose the looping options, you have to create a Frame Animation in Photoshop CS6. It sounds complicated, but it’s pretty easy to do. In this post, I’ll walk you through the steps for creating your own animated GIF using still images.

To create an animated GIF from a video, follow these steps:

  1. Import the video into your computer.
  2. Open the GIF creator app on your computer.
  3. Select the video you want to convert into an animated GIF and click “Start.”
  4. The GIF creator will start converting the video and create the animation. ..

Step 1 – Import All Images

Now that you have your images imported into Photoshop, it’s time to start creating your animation. To create the animation, you will need to create a new layer and name it “Animation 1”. Then, in the layer’s properties, you will need to set the following: The first thing you want to do is set the layer’s opacity to 0%. This will make the layer invisible so that it can be used as your starting picture. Next, you want to add a color wheel (or any other color wheel) and set its center point at (0, 0). Then, drag the wheel around until it has a radius of 10px. Now release the mouse button and watch as the color wheel changes colors according to what you are looking at in your image. For example, if you are looking at an image of a person, then their skin would be blue while their hair would be green. If you were looking at an image of a building then their roof would be red while their walls would be green. Now that your layer has been created and its opacity has been set, it is time to add some text onto it. To do this, open up a new document and type in “Text 1” into the text field on top of your Animation 1 layer. Then click on OK when prompted for confirmation. Now that Text 1 has been added onto Animation 1, it is time to start animating! To start animating Text 1, drag it left until it reaches the bottom of Animation 1 and release when you have moved it up one pixel. Then drag it right until Text 1 is just above where Animation 2 was located before releasing again. Repeat these steps until all text has been added onto Animation 2 (you should now see Text 2 at (0px,-10px)). Now release both mouse buttons and watch as text moves around in place!

Manually copying and pasting each image into a new Photoshop file will likely take up the most time out of all the steps. There is probably an easier and faster way to do this, but since I’m no pro user, I copied and pasted each image into a new Photoshop file. If you know of a faster way, please let me know in the comments. ..

Step 2 – Create Frame Animation

In the Timeline window, you’ll see a list of tools. The first tool is the timeline itself. This is where you’ll create your animation. To create a new animation, click on the New button in the timeline’s toolbar and then select Animation from the drop-down list. In the Animation field, you’ll need to provide a name for your animation and a description. You can also choose to have your animation play continuously or have it play once every time you press play. The next step is to set up your timing. To do this, click on the Timing button in the timeline’s toolbar and then select Time from the drop-down list. In the Timing field, you’ll need to provide a number for how long your animation will last and also specify how often you want it to play. You can also choose to have your animation start immediately or after a certain amount of time has passed. The last step is to add some music! To do this, click on the Music button in the timeline’s toolbar and then select Music from the drop-down list. In the Music field, you’ll need to provide a filename for your music and an artist name for your music artist. You can also choose not to have any music played at all or have it play only when specific conditions are met (for example, when someone clicks on an event). Now that everything has been set up, click on Play in order to start your animation!

To create a frame animation, right-click anywhere in the Timeline box and choose Create Frame Animation. ..

To make the animation more interesting, we want to add a second image to the timeline. To do this, we’ll need to open the Layers panel and select the image we want to add as a new layer.

To make the animation include all the layers, you need to click on the “Make Frames From Layers” button. ..

  1. Choose the length of time you want each frame to be displayed. The drop down below the image will let you select how long each frame should be.
  2. Click on the frame that you want to display. The image will change to show the length of time that the frame should be displayed.

As you can see, the first frame is set to 5 seconds and then the rest are set to 0. You will have to adjust them accordingly, but you can pick a custom amount of time also.

To save your new animation to a GIF file, you first need to select the time for each frame. Then, you’re ready to finalize your animation by saving it out to a GIF file.

Step 3 – Save GIF File

To save an animated GIF, go to File and click on Save for Web. At the bottom of the save dialog, you will see the Animation section. This should now be enabled, so you can save your animated GIF. ..

Your options here are pretty easy to understand. You can really only choose how you want it to loop and then preview the animation before saving it. That’s about it! Hopefully this guide will help you create your animated GIF in Photoshop CS6 without a hitch!


Secondly, if you are creating an animation with multiple layers, be sure to name each layer so that you can easily identify and edit the individual images. For example, if you have a layer called “Background” and another layer called “Person 1,” it would be helpful to name the layers something like “Background-Person 1” and “Background-Person 2” so that you can more easily see which image is which when editing the file. ..

If you have a video, you can import the video frames into layers automatically by going to File, then Import and clicking on Video Frames to Layers. ..

To create a small GIF file, you might have to reduce the quality of the images. ..