In order to delete Facebook posts from your device, you will need to first create a new Facebook account and then use the provided tools. After creating a new account, you will be able to navigate to the Activity Log and find the post that you want to delete. To delete this post, simply tap on the Delete button and confirm your deletion by tapping on the Delete button again.

Since Facebook’s latest update, users can easily bulk delete posts from their Android and iPhone devices. So let’s get started and clear all of our old stuff.

Bulk Delete Facebook Posts on iOS and Android

With the latest update of Facebook, you can delete posts from your device conveniently. You can filter out posts by Categories, Date, People using any one of the three methods provided by Facebook. ..

Delete Facebook posts from Android using the following steps:

  1. Open the Facebook app and sign in.
  2. Scroll down to the bottom of the main screen and click on the three lines in the top left corner of the screen.
  3. Type “delete posts” into one of the boxes and click on it.
  4. The Facebook app will ask you to confirm your deletion before it starts deleting posts. Click on OK to confirm your deletion.
  5. The Facebook app will list all of the posts that have been deleted, along with a brief description of why they were deleted. Click on one of these posts to see more information about why it was deleted and how to restore them if needed.

Now, tap on the three-consecutive horizontal dots, right next to the “+ Add to story“.

Facebook Watch Party is a new feature that was announced by Facebook on July 14, 2018. It is a way for users to join together and watch videos together. The feature is available on Facebook Messenger and Facebook Page. The purpose of Facebook Watch Party is to make it easier for users to connect and share videos. It also allows users to see what other people are watching and can be used as a way to find new content to watch.

Select your post from the pop-up menu to manage it.

Facebook has announced a new avatar feature that will allow users to customize their profile picture. The new feature is available to users starting today. ..

Now, you will be able to sort your post- Categories, Date, People by selecting the preferred option.

If you want to delete all the posts from a certain date range, select the date range in the top left corner of the screen. You can also choose to delete all posts from a certain person. To do this, select the person’s name in the top right corner of the screen and then choose Delete Posts From This Person. If you want to delete specific posts, tap on Posts in the main menu and then choose Delete Posts. You will see two options at the bottom of the screen: Archive Posts or Trash Them. If you want to archive the posts instead of throwing them into the trash, tap on Archive Posts. ..

In a recent study, people who used digital assistants were more likely to complete tasks more quickly and accurately than those who did not. The study found that people who used digital assistants were more likely to complete tasks that required mental effort, such as reading a text or completing a task on the computer.

This is how you can easily delete Facebook posts from your smartphone using a simple method. If you face any issue while using Facebook, you can write to Facebook Support for help. And if you have any more suggestions, feel free to share in the comment section.

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