Employees who are skilled in communication and networking can save their employers time by answering questions on their own behalf. This skill can also help coworkers get to know each other better and build trust. ..

Creating a custom Alexa skill is easy with Alexa Blueprints. You just start with a template and add the details for your own business or company.

  1. In the Business section, you’ll find two skills: one for business professionals and one for entrepreneurs.
  2. The business professional skill is designed for people who want to learn about the basics of running a business, such as accounting, marketing, and finance. The entrepreneur skill is designed for people who want to learn about starting their own businesses, from planning and budgeting to networking and selling products or services. ..

Create an Onboard Guide for New Employees

Offering onboard guides to new employees can help them get started quickly and find all the information they need about the company. Including details like how to connect remotely via VPN, where the office supplies are stored, and more can make the transition smoother for everyone. ..

The Onboard Guide Blueprint can help you get started with creating your own skills. You can listen to a sample, review the steps to create the skill, and see how to use it. If you’re ready to begin, select Make Your Own and follow along below.

The Blueprint includes sections to help you add the details you need. These include where to find things, how to do things, and who to contact for what.

Where to Find Important Resources

How To Do Things

How to do things:

  1. Ask Alexa how you can do something.
  2. She will give you a list of options and responses.
  3. Choose the option that is best for you and follow the instructions.

Contact Info

The final section is for contact information. This section works differently in that Alexa responds with the list you set up with the voice command, “What’s the contact info?”.

When you finish the sections, select Next: Your Experience at the top. ..

Customize the User Experience

Alexa can respond to your personal intro and exit messages, which can make her more personable. ..

Welcome to the skill! This is your first time using it, so Alexa will randomly say different messages each time you open it. ..

Thank you for your hard work in closing the skill. We appreciate your dedication and commitment to our company.

When you finish, select Next: Name at the top.

Name the Skill

The final step is to give your onboard guide skill a name. Again, try to use simple words that Alexa recognizes. ..

Create a skill to complete the creation process. Be patient, the process may take a few moments. You’ll see a confirmation when complete.

Create a Business Q&A Skill to Answer Common Questions

A guide might be more effective than a simple question-and-answer skill. You might find people asking the same questions over and over. With this skill, you can enter those common questions with their answers. ..

Business Q&A Blueprint: Make Your Own

This Blueprint lets you add variations of questions to your interview. And like the previous Blueprint, you’ll see a couple of samples to help you. ..

Add the Questions and Answers

  1. What is the main purpose of the study?
  2. What are the results of the study?
  3. What are some possible implications of the study’s findings?

Alexa, “What are the hours for IT?”

-You can select Add Question Variation if you want to add more or the minus sign to the right of one to remove it.

Next, add the answer Alexa will respond with to the question and its variations. Alexa, what is your favorite color? Alexa, what are your favorite colors?

After you enter a question, its variations, and the answer, select Add Q&A to set up the next question.

How do I start the experience? To begin the experience, you first need to enter all of the questions and answers you want. Next, select Next: Experience at the top. ..

Customize the User Experience

You can personalize Alexa’s Intro and Exit messages for this skill too.

When someone opens the skill, a welcome message will be displayed and when they close it, an exit message will be displayed. ..

When you finish, select Next: Name at the top.

Name the Skill

Alexa, what is your name?

Create a skill to complete the process. You’ll see a confirmation when the new skill is ready to use.

Edit the Alexa Skills

Custom skills let you change the steps for a task, or the location where you work, without having to leave your work space. This makes it easier to stay on top of your work and keep your skills up-to-date.

To edit a skill on your Alexa device, go to the Alexa Blueprints website and log in. Then, choose Skills You’ve Made at the top of the page. Pick the skill you want to edit, and select Edit. ..

In the Alexa mobile app, return to the Blueprints section. Go to the Your Skills tab, select the skill name, and tap Edit to make your adjustments.

Create Your Own Alexa Skill

Alexa is a voice assistant that can be used to control various devices in your home. You can create skills that allow her to play music, set alarms, and more. By using these skills, you can make your life easier and make your business more efficient.

Alexa, what are some cool tricks you can do with her? For example, can you make a fire? Can you play music from your phone? And can you control your lights and appliances? Check out our Alexa tricks for more fun. Or visit our Smart Home section for related tutorials.