Restricted Mode is a feature on YouTube that can be used to restrict what children and adults can see. However, there are times when the Restricted Mode can’t be turned off. So, if you are looking for how to turn off restricted mode on YouTube, then read this article. ..

How to turn off Restricted Mode on YouTube Network Administrator?

Restricted Mode is a feature on YouTube that allows parents to control what their children can see on the site. However, some users have reported that this feature has been turning off by itself, without any explanation. To turn off Restricted Mode on YouTube, we need to understand why it was turned on in the first place. ..

YouTube thumbnail not showing? Try these 10 ways to fix it.

  1. Restricted mode is a security feature that helps protect the YouTube community from inappropriate content.
  2. Turning off restricted mode may cause videos to be removed from the YouTube platform, which could impact their ability to be monetized and viewed by others.
  3. Restricting access to certain videos may also prevent users from accessing important safety information or support resources. ..

The DNS settings on the router are set to restrict YouTubeWeb security, which could prevent you from turning off the restricted mode. Browser add-ons don’t allow you to turn off restricted mode on the YouTube network administrator.

  1. Try resetting your YouTube account. This will remove any restrictions that may have been put in place and allow you to use the network as usual.
  2. Contact YouTube and ask for a new account. This will likely require providing your contact information, such as your name, email address, and phone number.
  3. Use the tools that YouTube provides to troubleshoot the issue: Troubleshooting Guide for YouTube Restricted Mode

YouTube is a popular streaming service that many people use to watch videos. However, if you have a parental control router, you may not be able to watch YouTube. You can try using different methods to watch YouTube, but these will not work if your router is blocking YouTube by IP address.

Change DNS Settings

The first step to fixing the “unable to turn off Restricted Mode on YouTube network administrator” issue is changing your DNS Settings. This can be a solution if the problem is with your internet connection or YouTube itself.

  1. Open the Start screen and type “cmd”
  2. Type “netstat -a”
  3. Look for the DNS line in the output and change it to “dnsmasq -f”
  4. Type “exit” and press enter

In the Network and Internet window, click on Change Adapter Settings. In the Adapter Settings window, select the network adapter you want to change and click on Change. Now, in the Network Status and Task window, you will see that the new network adapter has been added.

A new window will appear with properties for the Internet Protocol Version 4 network connection. You can right-click and select Properties to change the properties.

To use the DNS server addresses, click on the next window and enter the DNS addresses as seen in the image above. ..

Disable Browser Add-Ons

  1. Open YouTube and sign in with your YouTube account.
  2. On the main screen, click on the three lines in the top left corner of the screen (the three lines that look like a triangle).
  3. Click on “Settings.”
  4. On the “Settings” screen, click on “Add-ons.”
  5. In the “Add-ons” section, click on “Disable.”

In Settings, click on the “Chrome” tab and then click on the “Options” tab. On the “Options” tab, click on the “Privacy” tab. On the Privacy tab, click on the “Cookies” tab. On the Cookiestab, click on the “Accept cookies” button.

YouTube has a restricted mode that you can’t turn off. If you’re having trouble disabling all extensions, try refreshing the page and checking if the restricted mode is still active.

Clear browser cache

If clearing your browser cache does not work, then you can try to disable the extensions one by one. ..

Clear the browser cache on Google Chrome by going to the three-dot menu and clicking on More Tools. After that, click on Clear browsing data and select the range to All time.

To clear your cache:

  1. Click on the three lines in the top left corner of the Firefox window.
  2. Select Options from the menu that appears.
  3. Under the General tab, click on Clear Data.
  4. Click on Clear Cache to clear all your cache files. ..

YouTube is now working as it should after your cache was cleared. Turn off restricted mode and you should be good to go.

Google has a feature known as safe search, which restricts users from watching sensitive content on the browser. If you enable this filter, it will restrict watching certain types of content on the entire platform.

If you are unable to turn off restricted mode on YouTube, you can try to turn off Google Safe Search and see if the issue is fixed.

To turn off Google Safe Search on your browser, open Google Search Settings from this link.

To disable SafeSearch on YouTube, first uncheck the box next to it and then scroll down to click on the Save button. After you have saved the settings, close the tab and then refresh the YouTube page and make sure that you turn off restricted mode on YouTube as well. ..

Now, click on Privacy and Security > Safety check > Safe browsing and uncheck the No protection (not recommended) option.

Disable Antivirus software (if applicable)

Windows Defender is a great antivirus program that can protect you from all types of malware.

If you are using antivirus software, it is recommended to disable it to fix the inability to turn off restricted mode on the YouTube Network Administrator issue.


We hope this article helped you solve the issue of not being able to turn off restricted mode on the YouTube network administrator. Do let us know which of the above solutions helped you fix the problem.