Minecraft enchantment is a way to increase your damage and fall slower in end-game content.

Minecraft Enchantment List

To enchant your gear, you need to find the enchantment for the item you want to enchant and put it into a slot on your armor or weapon. There are three types of slots: primary, secondary, and tertiary. The primary slot is the most important, because it’s where you put the enchantment that will affect your damage and stats. Secondary enchantments go in the secondary slots of other items in your inventory. tertiary enchantments go in the tertiary slots of other items in your inventory.

Melee Weapon Enchantments

Enchanting a weapon is the first step in upgrading it. Early-game enemies can drop enchanted weapons, which can then be used to upgrade your current weapon. ..

The enchantment increases damage dealt by 2.5 per level.

The Trident-only enchantments are listed here because they are dual-wielded, meaning that they can be used as a melee weapon or a ranged weapon.

Summoning a bolt of lightning when enemies are struck with the weapon with a maximum enchantment level of 1 will deal additional damage to mobs in the water.

Bows, crossbows, and tridents are all enchanted weapons. ..

Flame: Arrows set enemies ablaze for 5 additional points of fire damage. Infinity: Bows do not consume arrows. Piercing: Each arrow can pass through multiple enemies. Power: Increases arrow damage by 25% per level. Punch: Increases knockback from arrows by 3 blocks per level. Quick Charge: Reduces the time needed to ready the crossbow. Multishot: Fires 3 arrows at the cost of 1.

There are a few ranged Trident-only enchantments to be aware of. ..

The trident returns sooner the more times it is thrown, while the Riptide enchantment pulls the player with it further the more times it is thrown. These enchantments only work in water or during rain. ..

General-Purpose Enchantments

The enchantments on these rings work on most any item. ..

The curse of vanishing items is a problem that many players face. Gaining experience repairs item durability, but unbreaking increases the amount of times an item can be used before it breaks. This makes it difficult to keep your items in good condition, as they may not last as long if you use them multiple times.

Tool Enchantments

These enchantments make your tools more effective.

Efficiency: Increases the speed you mine or break blocks. Fortune: Every block yields more resources. Yield increases by level. Silk Touch: Blocks drop as blocks instead of breaking — i.e. a Glowstone block drops a Glowstone block instead of Glowstone Dust. Lure: Decreases the time it takes to attract fish to a fishing rod. Luck of the Sea: Increases the chance of fishing rare loot.

Armor Enchantments

Armor enchantments can give you significantly more protection from damage than just wearing armor.

Aqua Affinity: Increases underwater mining speed. Respiration: Increases underwater breathing time. Protection: Increases resistance to all types of damage by 4% per level. Blast Protection: Reduces the damage from explosions and knockback distance. Fire Protection: Reduces the damage from fire and the amount of burn time. Projectile Protection: Reduces the damage taken from bows, crossbows, and other projectiles. Soul Speed: Increases walking speed on Soul Sand per level. Thorns: Reflects some of the damage taken back to your attacker at the cost of durability. Feather Falling: Reduces fall damage. Frost Walker: Transforms water blocks into ice and allows you to run and walk over water. Depth Strider: Increases underwater movement speed. ..

How to Enchant Items in Minecraft

Enchanting items with an Enchanting Table results in a more powerful enchantment. enchanting items with an Anvil results in a less powerful enchantment.

How To Make An Enchanting Table

The Enchanting Table requires 7 items: one book, two Diamonds, and Four Obsidian.

To create an Enchanting Table, you will need 15 bookshelves placed one square away from the table in a 5×5 grid. The table’s capabilities are somewhat limited unless it is surrounded by bookshelves. ..

How to Make an Anvil

Anvil requires three Iron Blocks and four Iron Ingots.

Enchanting items with Enchanted Books is a way to give them extra power. You can find Enchanted Books in chests in Nether Fortresses, villages, Bastions, abandoned mine shafts, and more. You can also find Enchanted Books when fishing. ..

How to Enchant an Item in Minecraft Using an Enchanting Table

The Enchanting Table is a simple to use item that you’ll need the Lapis Lazuli to enchant.

If you use the level 30 enchantment option, there is a chance you will receive an extra enchantment on top of the one you select. The Enchanting Table is an easy way to enchant items, but it’s not as accurate as using an Enchanted Book.

How to Enchant an Item in Minecraft Using an Anvil

An Anvil can be used to repair items, but it’s also how you apply an Enchanted Book to an item.

Each time an item passes through Anvil, whether to be enchanted or repaired, it increases the cost of subsequent uses. Once that level cost rises above 39, the game will simply say “Too Expensive” and won’t allow you to use that item in an anvil any longer.

Minecraft enchanting can make or break your adventure. Fire Protection can help fighting creatures in the Nether, while Aqua Affinity and Respiration can give you an edge in Ocean Temples. Feather Falling helps with exploration. There are so many possibilities, and you’re limited only by the items you can find.