World of Warcraft began as a much different game than it does today. When it first launched, the graphics were not as impressive, and the game was not as popular. However, over time the game has evolved into one of the most popular online games in existence. ..

The world of Azeroth originally consisted of only Kalimdor and the Eastern Kingdoms. The first expansion, Burning Crusade, introduced new areas to the game that expanded the world beyond its humble beginnings. If you’re curious about which expansions are the best for World of Warcraft, we’ve put them in order here. ..

Wrath Of The Lich King

The Wrath of the Lich King expansion was highly acclaimed by many gamers for its innovative new gameplay mechanics, as well as its stunning graphics and stunning world. It introduced the continent of Northrend, which players could explore for the first time. Arthas Menethil, the former Crown Prince of Lordaeron turned Lich, was a cunning villain who had players on the edge of their seats.

The expansion also introduced a new class, the Warlock, and made significant changes to the game’s other classes. The Hunter was given a new specialization, the Demon Hunter, which allowed players to take on powerful demons. The Priest was given a new ability, Holy Fire, which allowed them to incinerate enemies with fire. Finally, the Warlock was given an ability that allowed them to cast spells from their hand while in combat.

Zombie pandemics are a real and growing threat, and we need to be prepared for them. ..

Burning Crusade

Blizzard Entertainment’s Burning Crusade expansion for World of Warcraft was released in 2007 and introduced a brand-new continent called Outland. The Blood Elves, Draenei, and Humans were added to the Horde and Alliance respectively, giving players new races to choose from and a host of new regions to explore. ..

The Burning Crusade expansion also introduced a number of new classes to the Warcraft universe. These classes were the Paladin, Shaman, and Rogue. The Paladin was a class previously restricted solely to Alliance players. The Shaman was a class previously restricted solely to Horde players. The Rogue was a class previously restricted solely to Alliance players. Introducing these once-restricted classes to either side brought a number of interesting PvP considerations in the expansion, but it also meant a lot more replayability as players raced to level new classes up to the max level (now increased to 70 from the previous cap of 60.)

The Burning Crusade expansion added a new continent to the Warcraft world, Kul Tiras, and introduced a number of new characters and quests. The expansion also introduced the Cataclysm raid, which players could complete to earn rewards such as mounts and items.


The expansion was met with mixed reactions from players and developers alike. Some loved the new content, while others were disappointed with the changes it made to the game. The biggest issue was that Cataclysm removed a lot of the fun and excitement that had been built up around the game.

Many longtime players were unhappy with the recent changes to the Crossroads area. This change was not well-received by a large portion of the fanbase, but no one can deny the impact that Deathwing’s arrival had. ..

The expansion was released on August 24, 2010 and increased the level cap from 85 to 90. Many players expected a full 10 levels rather than five, so many world-first achievements were earned the night of release as power gamers raced to be the first to reach the new max.

Many players were unhappy with the changes to World of Warcraft’s talent system, which set the tone for future World of Warcraft expansions. This gave the story team plenty of fodder to work with. ..


Many players felt that the later World of Warcraft expansions were controversial because they simplified the leveling systems and removed all challenge from it.

Many people who played Legion loved the challenge of the new game, but newcomers found it difficult to keep up. This is because the new game is designed for speed-runners and other players who want to get the most out of their time in the game.

The 2016 expansion was a great addition to the game because it introduced a new class, the Demon Hunter, and increased the level cap. It also had a storyline that kept players engaged for hours on end.

The four expansions that are the best for World of Warcraft are Burning Crusade, Cataclysm, Mists of Pandaria, and Warlords of Draenor. There is still plenty of room for Blizzard to release more expansions, so it’s likely that they will do so in the near future. The recent release of World of Warcraft Classic has brought many players out of retirement to experience the world of Azeroth all over again. Who knows? Perhaps Blizzard might launch Burning Crusade Classic if only for the chance to relive the battle for the Dark Portal once more.

The newest World of Warcraft expansion, Legion, is now available to play. Many players are excited to try it out, and some have even made fond memories of playing the game in the past. Let us know what your favorite World of Warcraft expansion is in the comments below! ..