We’re going to keep it as simple as possible and help you make sure that any disappointment is avoided come Christmas day.

Asking The Right Questions

Some people are drawn to one type of video game console over another. Talk to the person about their favorite games and see if they have any recommendations for other games that they might enjoy. If the person already owns a console, ask what games they’ve been playing on it. Ask about friends who play different types of games, and whether they’ve tried any of those games. ..

If someone is passionate about gaming, they should take the time to talk about it with others. Don’t be afraid to ask questions or get involved in conversations. Just be aware of what gets them excited and work to keep that in mind.

Counterfeit Consoles

There are a number of console manufacturers who market their products as being similar to those from other manufacturers, in order to fool non-gaming buyers into handing over their hard-earned cash. Just because one console looks a bit like another, it doesn’t mean they have anything in common under the surface.

Always make sure you buy a game console from a reputable seller and make sure it is branded properly. If a console is suspiciously cheap, your alarm bells should already be ringing. ..

PS4 Slim & Xbox One S

The PlayStation 4 and Xbox One are two of the most popular console platforms in the world. They are both made by Sony and have been around for many years. The PlayStation 4 Slim and Xbox One S are the current entry-level models. They have replaced the original versions of these consoles and are quieter, smaller, and less power hungry.

The two game consoles that matter most are the ones that can play your favorite games.

The second question is more difficult to answer, as it depends on the game and console. However, if you know of a game that is exclusive to one console but not the other, please let us know in the comments below!

The other important factor is the type of console that friends are playing on. Online multiplayer gaming is popular, but in general you can’t play together across brand lines. This is changing, but right now most online games only allow players on the same platform to play together.

If you buy your giftee an Xbox and their friends are all using Playstation 4 consoles, they’ll be left out of the fun.

PS4 Pro & Xbox One X

The base model PlayStation 4 and Xbox One consoles are now being branded as the “PlayStation 4 Pro” and “Xbox One X”, respectively. These are premium, upgraded versions of the consoles that were discussed in the previous segment. ..

The main difference between the premium and budget consoles is that the premium consoles have better games. If you’re not concerned about the price difference, then the premium consoles are worth the extra money. ..

Console gaming is not a “choice between ‘bad’ and ‘good’” as some people may believe. Console gaming is a choice between ‘good’ and ‘better’. If you want to play the best games, then you should buy an elite console. ..

The upgraded versions of these game consoles do make an excellent gift for anyone who currently owns the base model of each respective product. The best gifts are those which the giftee wanted, but would never justify buying for themselves. The premium console versions are exactly that sort of purchase.

Nintendo Switch & Switch Lite

The Switch Pro is a more powerful version of the Switch that has a built-in screen and controllers. It can also be used as a handheld console, but it doesn’t have a dock. ..

The Switch Lite is a handheld-only device that doesn’t require parts to connect it to a TV.

Both consoles offer the same game library, with a handful of exceptions that rely on the larger Switch’s TV connectivity and removable controllers. For the most part, either console is a good choice for gamers. ..

The Nintendo Switch Lite is a great option for kids who don’t have their own TV or don’t have long enough access to the family TV to make the higher price of the big Switch worth it. It’s a true handheld, better for smaller hands, and comes in great colors. If the family already has a Switch that’s shared as a home console, the Switch Lite becomes the obvious choice. ..

If you are buying a Switch for yourself, the standard model is the way to go. Just make sure you pick up the revised model, which has cooler, less power-hungry components. ..

The Switch is a console that has wide appeal, not just for people who are fans of Nintendo’s first-party games. However, it doesn’t get most of the fancy AAA games you’d find on Xbox One or PS4. ..

Nintendo Switch is a console that allows you to play many different types of games. It has several first-party exclusives and ports from older game consoles.

Older Game Consoles

The consoles listed above are from the current generation, with the next generation of gaming machines all likely to launch long after Christmas 2019. However, you can still get amazing deals on refurbished (or even new!) consoles from the previous generation. This includes consoles such as the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and Nintendo Wii U. If you’re looking for a gaming machine that is likely to last a long time, it’s worth considering buying a console that is from the previous generation.

Gamers who are in their early to mid-20s or older are not the right audience for these decade-old game consoles. That being said, gamers who may miss their previous-gen consoles (or never had them) might love getting one of these consoles. ..

Since a good gift is often something a person couldn’t justify buying for themselves, it can be difficult to find something that will truly make someone’s day. This is especially true for gamers, who often have a large library of previous generation games that they can purchase for single-digit prices on the used market.

The Nintendo 3DS is still a great choice for handheld gaming. It’s more pocketable than the Switch Lite and has an excellent exclusive game library. In fact, we’d strongly suggest getting one of the latest “New 2DS” models, which is the best version of the 3DS family. ..