Before moving forward with company app development, you should take these factors into consideration. For example, do you have the budget and time for the software development process? Have your customers been asking for an app, or is it just something you think you should do because other companies are doing it? Can you provide support for an app after it’s developed? There’s no wrong decision but, if you do create a company app, here are some of the benefits of mobile apps for business you can expect.
Benefits of Mobile Apps for Business
Increased Revenue
A mobile app makes purchasing more convenient. It allows customers to order something they may have found using a PC or to buy from anywhere, any time. So, a clothing store customer could browse the latest styles while commuting to work. A home improvement store customer could get ideas for their next home project while waiting for a movie to start. A restaurant customer could order food while at a dentist’s appointment. This convenience translates into more revenue for your company. The more opportunities you give customers to purchase from you, and the more frictionless you make that process, the more they’ll buy, and the more they’ll recommend you to others.
Enhanced Loyalty
51 percent of mobile device users access the internet only via their smartphone. If your company isn’t available on these devices, you’re missing an opportunity to engage customers where they spend much of their time and attention. An app makes it easy for customers to connect with your company and get help when they need it. With it, you’ll become a regular part of your customers’ every-day experience. Besides, you can add a loyalty component that offers points, tiers, and rewards for spending. It provides a bigger incentive to make your app, and your brand, part of their regular routine.
Expanded Customer Care
Messages with a chatbot or live representative Submit a support ticket Check on returns Provide feedback and reviews
Competitive Advantage
If you’re in an industry or serve a demographic in which customers expect an app, then it’s not just a nice thing to have. It’s a must. If, on the other hand, customers don’t necessarily expect an app from your company, then having one can set you apart. An app that works well and makes customers’ lives easier can be a powerful reason to choose you over other companies like yours. Use it to send offers, discounts, and recommendations based on past purchases to boost that competitive advantage even more.
Engaged Employees
When considering creating an app for your company, don’t forget employees as potential users. There are many purposes for which an employee app can be useful:
Receiving company news Accessing benefits Communicating with other employees Filling out and getting approval on timesheets Providing feedback to management Sharing customer stories Requesting time off
The level of access you can offer a convenient mobile app increases morale and retention rates makes employees more productive and improves company culture.
In Summary
If your customers expect your company to have an app, then there’s no question about it. You need to develop it. If it’s not a given, then providing an app to customers is a welcome surprise. The benefits of mobile apps for business include increased loyalty and revenues, a better customer experience, and a distinct competitive advantage. An internal company app can have similar impacts on employees, which also benefits your business. Not every company should have an app. For example, if the cost is too high, if you can’t support it after it’s developed, or if it just doesn’t make sense with your business model. But, if you’re a business owner or manager, you should at least consider the advantages an app could bring to your company.